Search Results
The Role of Rift Inheritance in Collisional Pyrenées
53.3 Gianreto Manatschal - Role of rift inheritance in collisional orogens: Biscay-Pyrenees-Alps
7.1 Thomas Phillips - Structural inheritance across scales - Rifting in Great South Basin, NZ
Mary Ford: “Rethinking an orogen - a new look at the Pyrenees and how they evolved”.
Basins in Orogens - Insights from Pyrenean Foreland Systems
Structural inheritance - basement in the external Alps
John Foden - Orogenesis terminated by mafic underplate delamination at prior passive rift margins...
54.1 Phil Heron - Supercontinents, subduction, superplumes and sutures: the difficult break-up
Constraining the processes controlling continental rift evolution through geodynamic modeling
12.3 Johannes Jakob - A Neoproterozoic lapetus Rifted Margin Preserved in Scandinavian Caledonides
33.1 Benoit Petri - Rifting magma-rich systems: Insights form the Permian rifting in the Alps